
Submitted Papers:
Journal Papers:
Book Chapters:
Conference Proceedings:
  • (3) A. Corbetta
    Multiscale crowd dynamics: physical analysis, modeling and applications
    Ph.D. Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2016

  • (2) A. Corbetta
    A general purpose object oriented particle-in-cell code with applications to FRC and Tokamak
    Msc. Thesis, Polytechnic University of Turin, Los Alamos National Lab., 2011

  • (1) A. Corbetta
    An introduction to the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics
    Bsc. Thesis, Polytechnic University of Turin (in Italian), 2009

Invited talks:
  • (27) A. Corbetta
    The active flow of pedestrian crowds.
    The active flow of pedestrian crowds. Utrecht U. Jan., 2024

  • (26) A. Corbetta
    Understanding and modeling the flow of human crowds
    Understanding and modeling the flow of human crowds. EAISI Colloquium. TU/Eindhoven. January, 2024

  • (25) A. Corbetta
    Machine learning turbulent cascades: inference and closure
    Machine learning turbulent cascades: inference and closure. Differential Equations for Data Science 2024 (DEDS2024), Kanazawa, Japan (online). February, 2024

  • (24) A. Corbetta
    Machine Learning for Turbulence
    Machine Learning for Turbulence. CISM-JMBC joint advanced school on Fluids and Flows. CISM Udine. Italy. April, 2024

  • (23) A. Corbetta
    Understanding pedestrian physics: from large-scale measurements to generative AI
    Franco-German Interdisciplinary Workshop on Pedestrian Dynamics and Urban Mobility - Keynote speaker. Wuppertal. Germany. June, 2024

  • (22) A. Corbetta
    A crowd science and More
    Let Science talk - opening speech. United World College Maastrich (popular science/educational event), 2023

  • (21) A. Corbetta
    Machine Learning Turbulent Cascades: inference and closure
    Tokamak Disruption Simulation Center. Machine Learning Turbulent Cascades: inference and closure, 2023

  • (20) A. Corbetta
    Machine Learning Turbulent Cascades: inference and closure
    CNLS Seminar (Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory). Machine Learning Turbulent Cascades: inference and closure, 2023

  • (19) A. Corbetta
    Active flow of pedestrian crowds: from large-scale measurements to variational modeling.
    Colloquium of the Physics Institute of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. March, 2022

  • (18) A. Corbetta
    Fluctuations in Pedestrian Dynamics routing choices
    Lorentz Center workshop "Self-Organization under Confinement". February, 2022

  • (17) A. Corbetta
    How do we walk in crowds? A brief journey from crowd physics to smart environments
    Public lecture Rijksmueum Boerhaave 'How do we walk in crowds? A brief journey from crowd physics to smart environments'. Leiden, NL. February., 2022

  • (16) A. Corbetta
    Invited lecture, Bentley Systems London. November, 2022

  • (15) A. Corbetta
    Git up the research environment. Open Science Workshop TU/e APSE. November, 2022

  • (14) A. Corbetta
    Invited seminar, AMOLF Amsterdam. November, 2022

  • (13) A. Corbetta
    Git up the research environment. OSCE. Open Science Community Eindhoven, 2022

  • (12) A. Corbetta
    Machine Learning Flowing Systems
    Physics Department Colloquium 'Machine Learning Flowing Systems'. TU/Eindhoven, NL., 2022

  • (11) A. Corbetta
    How do people go with the flow?
    How do people go with the flow? Universiteit van Nederland, public lecture., 2022

  • (10) A. Corbetta
    Active flow of pedestrian crowds: from large-scale measurements to variational modeling
    Journ\'ees de la Mati\`ere Condens\'ee - Keynote speaker. Symposium: "Human mobility through the lens of Physics". August, 2021

  • (9) A. Corbetta
    Active flow of pedestrian crowds: from large-scale measurements to variational modeling
    27th Symposium on Traffic Flow and Self-Driven Particle Systems. Japanese Traffic Flow Mathematics Study Group (Online/Nagoya JP). December, 2021

  • (8) A. Corbetta
    Active flow of low-density pedestrian crowds
    ICTP. International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Quantitative Life Science Invited seminar. May, 2019

  • (7) A. Corbetta
    Deep learning of turbulence velocity signals
    JMBC contact group Turbulence - Colloquium day. April, 2019

  • (6) A. Corbetta
    High-statistics measurements of pedestrian dynamics, modeling and control
    International Conference in Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM19) - Symposium: "Modeling and calibration in pedestrian dynamics". July, 2019

  • (5) A. Corbetta
    Learning turbulence from deep learning
    California State University Long Beach - Mathematics Colloquium. November, 2019

  • (4) A. Corbetta
    Illumination-driven crowd management
    Intelligent Lighting Institute TU/e. Event: "Lighting Metropolis visits Eindhoven". Invited seminar. April, 2018

  • (3) A. Corbetta
    High statistics measurements of pedestrian dynamics and modeling
    Tehran University, Department of Physics, Invited seminar. May, 2018

  • (2) A. Corbetta
    High statistics measurements of pedestrian dynamics and modeling
    12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science. Invited panelist talk at "New approaches to evacuation modeling". June, 2017

  • (1) A. Corbetta
    High statistics measurements of pedestrian dynamics and modeling
    Juelich Forschungszentrum. Invited seminar. February, 2017

Selected Conference Posters: